Tricky road to elections

30. Oktober 2014 in Berlin

Journalists from Myanmar/Burma discuss the transition from military dictatorship.

An important milestone of the political transition from military dictatorship to democracy will be the general elections in 2015. But the constitution continues to reserve a quarter of the parliamentary seats for the military and still bans a opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming president. How free and fair can these elections be? Which strategies do the different parties have? Which role will the media play during the campaign?

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Discussion in English about the transition from military dictatorship to a democratic political system with journalists from Myanmar/Burma participating in a media workshop of the taz-Panterstiftung.

Moderator: Sven Hansen, Asia-editor of taz.

Quelle: kulturkurier /

Wo ist das Event?
taz Café
Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23
10969 Berlin
Wann ist das Event?
Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014
19:00 Uhr
Seit 3787 Tagen vorbei!


Tricky road to elections - Berlin - 30.10.2014 – Copyright © 2025 Kleiner Kalender